Sunday, September 18, 2011

Standby Power Systems: Frequently Asked Questions

A standby generator offers different benefits to different facilities. From facilities that require constant power to ones that do not, the electricity supplied by an industrial generator can range from critical to convenient. In each case, however, generators are part of emergency power supply systems (EPSS) that consist of several components, require various services, and have multiple implementation options. If you are considering implementing an industrial generator to provide electricity during outages, but you have questions about standby power systems, the answers below may help.

How much does an EPSS cost to implement?

Depending on the amount of electricity a facility uses, an industrial system could cost from under $50,000 to over $1 million. In general, the more electricity a building requires, the greater the cost of its EPSS. Instead of depending on ballpark figures, the best approach is to have your building evaluated by professionals.

How long can an industrial EPSS last?

Due to its industrial grade construction, it is not uncommon for an industrial system to last over thirty years. With occasional modernization measures and/or retrofitting, some systems can last for around fifty years. Buying an industrial generator is a significant investment, but it can last for decades.

What types of maintenance does an EPSS require?

Standby power systemsrequire certain types of regular maintenance, particularly: switchgear maintenance, transfer switch maintenance, and generator maintenance, which are carried out on a monthly basis in accordance with guidelines set forth in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 110.

What types of testing does an EPSS require?

Standby power systemsrequire monthly and annual testing that assesses their readiness to respond to outages. Manipulating circuits to trigger reactions that should occur during an outage is done in monthly testing, while annual tests fully simulate an outage. Other types of equipment testing, such as breaker testing, are often performed on the same date as generator tests. Guidelines for Genset testing are set forth in NFPA 110.

When is load bank testing performed?

A load bank test is usually performed when a generator fails to operate at a minimum of 30% of its Kilowatt nameplate rating for thirty minutes during a monthly test. A portable load bank that delivers the load to a generator is typically used for the test.

How can you tell when an EPSS needs replacement?
Generator replacement is recommended when the cost of repairing, retrofitting, or modernizing a generator exceeds the worth of performing the measure in question. Due to its high cost, the failure of a generator's motor often leads to the purchase of a new Genset.

How should a commercial power solutions provider be selected?
A provider should be selected on two counts: the range of its services, and its level of customer service. A company should contract with a provider that can supply all the services it could possibly need-now and in the future-and can deliver them on a timely basis. For example, a provider arriving onsite within two hours is much better than one that takes four hours.

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